Angel investment

I am always looking for smart / dynamic promoters with a good concept or business which needs mentoring / funds to scale up. With a portfolio of 20 companies and exits my interest is in companies where I can see a hockey stick growth trajectory.

I have helped several start-ups raise funds, advising on how to make decks investor friendly and focused avoiding "noise". In the current business world marketing / branding / strategy is as important as the product / service itself. My way of looking at business and marketing

I advise on fee based or sweat/advisory equity basis where more strategic and regular mentoring is required. Please submit your decks (link) and I will get in touch for an initialfree 30 minute call if there is some interest.

Our network covers most verticals and our motivation is not purely financial. We can help with incubating and helping with technology / software development in exchange for a % of the company so we are as committed to your growth.

My focus as an Angel investor is early stage start-ups , with a reasonable valuation and looking to raise up-to GBP 500,000 to GBP 750,000.


Valuations not more than GBP 1-3 million (with some basis). Also owners / promoters should be holding at least 75% equity. Ideally Co-founder business (not always easy to scale up fast alone).

I am well connected with some UK start-up funds and can make introductions to companies where I feel there is potential and SEIS funding allowance.


One of my companies has appeared on BBCs Dragons Den and received offers from 2 of the Dragons. We later declined the offer and the company raised 10 times the amount for 5 times the valuation just 6 months later proving the point that fund raising decisions need thought and objectivity which experienced investors like myself can offer.