My story

A little about myself..

I have been very fortunate to have life and business exposure from living / working in England, India, Dubai and Kenya. Entrepreneurial from aged 12 selling computer games on cassette decks/floppy disks (for those who remember what those were ! ) to sixth formers and selling cooking apples from my parents driveway in England , the journey started young with a great desire to always believe anything is possible if the focus is there.


By nature, I am an optimistic, practical (not cynical), never afraid to give opinions or listen to those of others. The sun always shines of those who step out of the shade so one just needs the courage to pursue their goals. Nothing changes by sitting still or inaction and if you are here it may mean you seek guidance on how to help scale your business, get motivation, need marketing or a general overview of your business strategy / goals. Someone who sees things from above with an objective viewpoint which can be direct but will surely have a positive impact on what you do as long as you are willing to listen to different approaches. If you do what everyone does you will be get the same results as everyone (an old adage) . For extraordinary results whether that’s financial or mental peace of mind a non-conventional approach is sometimes needed. Everyone knows that “success” in any aspect of life is a result of experience and mistakes. How we react and deal with setbacks is key to moving forward.

Having run my own stock broking business in India for over 20 years with 25 branches I have experience of building teams, motivating staff, dealing with all types of personality types (clients, funds manager, regulators) I can help guide business owners on how to not get frustrated and get the results they seek from all types of people. The journey for an entrepreneur is rarely in a straight line or exactly as per plan so staying focused with immense and unshakable self belief is vital. Read any auto biography of your business role model and this will be a common trait.

I have made my share of mistakes and lost a lot of money and peace of mind in my journey and always continued to pursue my goals as nothing was ever without some benefit or positive learning experience. The old adage that success in on the other side of failure is true for most entrepreneurs.


I have been on media for over 15 years so understand the benefit of PR and dealing with large live audiences, public speaking and live interviews on TV.


Post Stock Broking I moved into arbitrage in Crypto Currencies from 2017 (Bitcoin from USD 900-60,000 and back down to 3,000). Understanding fear, greed gives massive opportunities for those willing to take limited risks.

Angel investing since 2016 to help and invest in start-ups helping them from pitch decks to fund raising, understanding what Angel Investors and early stage funds look for. I have invested in over 20 companies with several exits. Yes, I am selective and that’s why I have had only one failed company since investing .