Submit deck

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Do you have a deck ready please upload the file below in a PDF or PPT format (File Size - Max 10MB)

Do you have a deck ready please upload the file below in a PDF or PPT format (File Size - Max 5MB)

Once you submit the deck

  • I will take a look and see if it fits my investment criteria will revert with questions / request for an online call.

  • Please allow up-to 7 working days for a reply. If you want a deck reviewed and call within 48 hours this is fee based for a faster review and online review call.

  • Follow up calls / in person meetings will be done where I would like to take things forward alone / with a fund / with co investors.

  • Investment is either on a pure cash for equity basis / digital marketing strategy with results basis (equity based on results) – investment is mine for this.

  • With co investors for selected companies incubation / accelerator is an option where we invest in the tech, MVP, Development in return for a % of the business , saving you time , money and me being invested with skin in the business (your tech partner).